Over the past few weeks I have been working on a social media strategy. One of the challenges I have faced is determining what will work or make sense for the organization (university) I'm developing/executing this strategy for. The use of social media is being debated in the military and at fortune 500 companies. The use of social media I believe will drive potential customers to your business (or student to the university in my case) as well as become an
essential vehicle in informing your consumers about what is going on at your place of business. This recent article "Fortune 500 Companies Using Social Media to reach Customers"
http://www.chicagobusiness.com/cgi-bin/article.pl?article_id=32875 and the recent
DoD decision
http://www.defense.gov/NEWS/DTM%2009-026.pdf is supportive of the need for ALL organizations to consider developing/executing a social media strategy.
Developing a social media strategy really starts with understanding how the organization intends to leverage social media (awareness, gain customers, push out news and events, announce new products, etc) and what benefits will you gain by having a social media strategy. For the university I have looked at this from the standpoint of awareness of university educational programs, promote what makes us difference and the benefits of becoming a student at the university.
I would like to hear from those who have developed and executed social media strategies. What exactly has worked for you? Am I on the correct path to social media success! Share your thoughts with me. Yes... I am also on twitter: